April Guide
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April Guide
I am working on it! Just got a bit distracted. I will also explore how to upload it on the forum so it remains accessible for reference throughout the month.
Re: April Guide
April Guide has been Posted - hope you enjoy it. I had a full on morning tussle with Outlook Express which won;t let me divide groups, so I ended up having to print out my addressbook, extract all the moon gardener subscribers, then re-enter them into 5 seperate groups, because my server restricts the number of emails that can be sent in a bulk mailout. So now it's raining heavily and I don;t have to weed!
Re: April Guide
Thank you for the new guide. I appreciate the extra information at the beginning.
Must make sure to get some peas in - I love them. Same with all the other veggies.
Guide is printing as I type. Thanks again.
We have one of these mixed days here - a few minutes of showers, a few minutes of sun, a few minutes of showers... so I decided to stay indoors and bake bread.
Must make sure to get some peas in - I love them. Same with all the other veggies.
Guide is printing as I type. Thanks again.
We have one of these mixed days here - a few minutes of showers, a few minutes of sun, a few minutes of showers... so I decided to stay indoors and bake bread.
Re: April Guide
I love my guide and thank you every night in my prayers.
Each month I work it out against my roster and colour code with a highlighter. Ms. B sorts out the seeds and cannot be moved while she is planning her day, even the door bell is ignored. We pack up the trailer with all the tools and water we need, and then disappear for hours out on the block. The guide is an intergral part of our relaxation and healing routine. Thank you again
Each month I work it out against my roster and colour code with a highlighter. Ms. B sorts out the seeds and cannot be moved while she is planning her day, even the door bell is ignored. We pack up the trailer with all the tools and water we need, and then disappear for hours out on the block. The guide is an intergral part of our relaxation and healing routine. Thank you again
April guide
Hi Blossom,
How do I get added to the list for the guides? and where how is the best place to learn about moon planting, books or what please I need some help.
How do I get added to the list for the guides? and where how is the best place to learn about moon planting, books or what please I need some help.
Chookasmum- Member
- Posts : 9
Join date : 2008-03-30
Location : Central West NSW
Re: April Guide
PM me your email address and I'll add you to the list. I put a little 'tutorial' in every month explaining about the cycles of the moon. However, if you go to my blog, you'll find some articles that explain in more detail. In essence there are three cycles to watch out for. The Phase (new moon to new moon every month), the Declination ( North to South and back again crossing the Equator every month) and the Apsides ( closest and farthest from earth). All have different significance in gardening and I try to explain this in the guides without getting too complicated. In addition to this, we utilise the constellations that the moon passes in front of each month in its phase cycle. These bear the same names as the signs of the zodiac and are assigned an elemental quality - fire, earth, air and water, in much the same way as in astrology.
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